Data integration workflow

XML, DocBits, Infor IDM, Infor M3 by FELLOWPRO

Making digital communication and data integration between different software and information systems secure and efficient often presents us with a major challenge. In this blog post I will explain a workflow that allows you to do just that. A workflow that retrieves XML data from the Italian government portal via Secure FTP (SFTP), converts this data to PDF using FELLOWPRO’s DocBits software, and then transfers it to Infor IDM and Infor M3 for accounting and payment.

Data acquisition

The first step in the process is to obtain or retrieve XML data from the Italian government portal. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a flexible data format commonly used for exchanging data over the Internet. In our case, we use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) to ensure secure and reliable data transfer.

Data conversion

After the XML data is retrieved, it is converted into PDF files using FELLOWPRO‘s DocBits software. DocBits is an intelligent document processing system (IDP) with deep integration with Infor M3 and LN. It can process various data formats and convert them into a manageable format. Converting XML to PDF is useful because PDF is a universal format that can be read on almost any device.

Data transfer

Once the data is converted to PDF format, it is transferred to Infor IDM. Infor IDM (Intelligent Document Management) is a comprehensive document management system that enables document storage, organization and tracking.

Booking and payment

Finally, the booking and payment data is transferred to Infor M3. Infor M3 is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that covers many aspects of business management, including finance, logistics, production and much more. With the data from the Italian government portal, Infor M3 can now make the corresponding bookings and payments.

DocBits-Integration by FELLOWPRO AG

An important part of this workflow is the integration of FELLOWPRO into Infor M3. FELLOWPRO, the company behind DocBits, has a close partnership with Infor and offers deep and seamless  integration between their systems. This integration allows users to take full advantage of both systems and maximize efficiency.


In summary, this workflow represents an efficient and secure way to obtain XML data from the Italian government portal and convert it into a format usable by Infor IDM and Infor M3. Deep integration between DocBits and Infor M3 allows users to optimize data flow and simplify the process of accounting and payments. This process is an example of how to leverage the strengths of different information systems and integrate them into an effective overall system.

Image credits: Header- & featured image generated with midjourney


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