Cloud vs. On-Premise

The battle of the IT infrastructures

In the world of IT infrastructures, two giants face each other: the cloud and on-premise. But what is behind these terms and which solution is the best for your company? Let’s dive in!

What is meant by cloud and on-premise?

  • Cloud: The cloud, short for cloud computing, refers to the provision of IT resources via the internet. Here, companies access servers, storage space and applications that are managed by an external provider. Data is transferred via the web.

  • On-Premise: In contrast, on-premise refers to a traditional infrastructure where all resources are provided and maintained locally within the company. Full control is in your own hands. In other words: On-premise refers to a licence and usage model for software that is hosted on your own premises.

Is cloud cheaper than on-premise?

The question of cost is crucial. Cloud services enable usage-based billing, which is more cost-effective for many companies than investing in expensive local hardware. The cloud offers scalability, so you only pay for the resources you actually need.

Advantages and disadvantages of the cloud


  • Cost savings: As already mentioned, the running costs are often lower.
  • Flexibility: Scale resources as required.
  • Accessibility: Access data from anywhere and at any time.


  • Dependence on the internet: Without an internet connection, you’re left out in the cold.
  • Security concerns: Data is stored externally, which raises security issues.

When is a cloud worthwhile?

A cloud solution is particularly useful if your company is growing dynamically or is experiencing fluctuations in resource utilisation. The cloud is also ideal for collaboration and flexible working.

Why switch to the cloud?

  • Agility: Quick adaptation to market changes.
  • Cost savings: Reduced IT infrastructure costs.
  • Innovation: Access to the latest technologies and updates.


When deciding between cloud and on-premise, it ultimately comes down to the individual needs and goals of your company. The cloud attracts with its flexibility, scalability and potential cost savings. On-premise, on the other hand, offers maximum control over the IT infrastructure and is particularly suitable for companies with specific security requirements.

However, the future belongs to solutions that combine the best aspects of both worlds. This is where DocBits comes into play – an intelligent software solution developed by FELLOWPRO AG. Whether you are in the cloud or on-premise, DocBits optimises your document processing with the help of artificial intelligence. This seamless integration gives you the freedom to choose the technology that suits your organisation.

Image credits: Header- & featured image by svstudioart on Freepik


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