SugarCRM acquires Sales-i

A step into the future of sales intelligence

In a strategic move that could change the CRM landscape forever, SugarCRM recently announced the acquisition of Sales-i. This acquisition brings together their combined expertise in machine learning, predictive AI and generative AI (GAI) to unlock the value of CRM and ERP data and provide salespeople with actionable insights that lead to more sales and better customer retention.

It promises not only to expand SugarCRM’s existing product suite, but also to deepen sales intelligence for organisations worldwide. But what does this acquisition mean for the customers of both companies and the market as a whole?

sales-i and SugarCRM: A partnership with vision

sales-i is a leading provider of revenue intelligence solutions that help companies maximise their sales and profitability. As part of a previous partnership between sales-i and Sugar, a shared vision has already been established: To provide AI-powered revenue intelligence that leverages a company’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship (CRM) data management systems to optimise B2B sales.

Craig Charlton, CEO of SugarCRM, emphasises the importance of this vision: ‘We are bringing together two great companies with complementary products, a shared vision for customer success, and experience and expertise in leveraging machine learning, AI and generative AI to unlock the value of front-office and back-office data. This combination delivers actionable, intelligent sales strategies that improve the bottom line, maximise profitability, increase customer satisfaction and create more efficient salespeople.’

Paul Black, founder and CEO of Sales-i, added: ‘The partnership between Sales-i and SugarCRM has enabled businesses to gain unrivalled insight into their customers’ buying behaviour. Together we will expand our capabilities and accelerate development processes that will benefit customers and have a significant impact on the market.’

The economic perspective: added value for companies

The acquisition comes at a time when companies are increasingly focussing on profit margins and flexible pricing models. The focus is increasingly shifting from purely acquiring new customers to maximising sales and customer loyalty. This is where SugarCRM and Sales-i come in, providing a comprehensive view of the customer and helping companies to capitalise on sales opportunities more effectively.

The merger enables customers to better analyse and use their sales data in order to:

  • Interpret and act on their own customer data using AI.
  • Conduct intelligent account management that fulfils comprehensive management requirements.
  • Manoeuvre new competitive threats and reduce customer churn.
  • Gain actionable insights that increase sales and marketing efficiency.

By jointly investing in AI technologies and machine learning, SugarCRM and Sales-i will be able to deliver innovative solutions faster and make a lasting mark on the sales intelligence market.


The acquisition of Sales-i by SugarCRM marks a significant milestone in the development of CRM and sales intelligence solutions. Customers of both companies can look forward to a comprehensive platform that will help them optimise their sales strategies and accelerate their growth. This merger not only promises to add value to organisations, but could also raise the standard for integrated business and sales analytics tools.

Image credidts: Header- & Featured image by FELLOWPRO


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