SEO – How do I improve my ranking?

Being at the top of Google searches – who doesn’t want that? This is a goal that every company strives for, or at least should strive for. After all, the more users (potential customers) who reach your website via search, the more customers you can, ideally, acquire. But how do I achieve this?

SEO - what is it and how can it help your ranking?

If we take a closer look at our everyday and business lives, we realize that digitalization means we spend a large part of our time on the digital plane. It is therefore becoming increasingly attractive to meet our users on this level.

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, can help with this. It is now an important part of online marketing and includes all measures that serve to increase the visibility of a website and its content for users of a web search engine and thus increase traffic.

What are the goals of SEO?

SEO primarily pursues the goal of attracting more and more users to your website in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo or Yandex and, in the best case, the searchers also click on the link that leads to your website.

However, depending on the type of website, other goals can also be pursued. Goals such as higher sales and more profit (online stores, e-commerce websites), increasing brand awareness, increasing reach or creating an additional sales channel.

SEO measures

In order to rise in the rankings, it is important to put all the individual SEO measures together. This takes time and work, but the full potential can only be exploited if everything works together.

SEO can be roughly divided into two areas: on-page and off-page optimization.

On-page optimization: This includes all measures that are taken on your own website. This includes the creation/modification of unique and relevant content (#content), the use of relevant #keywords, a technically clean website, fast loading times and a high level of user-friendliness.

Offpage optimization: This refers to all measures that are taken outside of your own website, such as backlink building, i.e. setting your own links on other websites. Important: Only links from reputable and trustworthy sites will have a positive effect on your visibility.


By optimizing your website, you will improve your Google ranking. This in turn increases awareness and offers even more opportunities to generate leads and win new customers.

With SugarCRM, we at FELLOWPRO AG want to support you in keeping an overview of your customers’/potential customers’ data, exploiting the full potential and no longer overlooking any opportunities for customer acquisition, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Image credits: Header- & featured image by Diggity Marketing onPixabay


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