Ephesoft – Who or what is behind it?

Ephesoft is an enterprise content capture and data discovery platform founded in 2010. It is headquartered in Irvine, California, with regional offices in the US, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. Ephesoft became one of the Kofax companies in August 2022.

Ephesoft’s core product is Ephesoft Transact

Transact is a leading IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) platform that allows you to automate your processes around documents that come into your organization every day. As a result, you increase operational efficiency and human productivity in your organization.  Ephesoft captures the data, transforms unstructured data into actionable data, classifies, extracts and validates it, and then exports it to workflow systems such as ERP, ECM, RPA or BPO.

Transact is flexible for a wide range of applications and uses advanced AI-powered optical character recognition and patented supervised machine learning, as well as OCR technology for classification. This allows data from different document types to be quickly recognized and extracted using just one or two sample documents.

Intelligent document processing is the best way to streamline your document management. By using this technology, you can benefit from numerous competitive advantages, including:

  • Highly scalable document processing: for businesses, growth also means growing piles of documents that need to be sorted and captured. This can be a problem for organizations that still rely on manual data entry. But not for organizations already using IDP, because IDP platforms are highly scalable. This allows you to archive and sort paper records and digital documents on an as-needed basis.
  • Simplified data protection and compliance: Data protection is a big issue for many organizations – a data breach can lead to unhappy customers and decreased revenue. When you implement capture solutions, you’re also installing secure technology that helps you avoid the risk of misuse or tampering. The system can be set up so that only a few authorized people can access your data.
  • Increased efficiency, productivity, and employee satisfaction: With IDP, your company can quickly process vast amounts of data from the data entry process. Your employees, freed from data entry, can focus on more complex, value-added tasks. 
  • Significant time and cost savings: Manual data entry costs valuable staff hours. Employers pay for countless hours that employees spend on simple tasks such as sorting, copying and scanning records. IDP significantly reduces this time. As a result, you can invest in staff who perform higher value-added activities. 


While providing a robust foundation for your organization’s digital transformation.


The platform’s APIs and iPaaS connectors also enable rapid integration with other business systems for seamless end-to-end automation. Working with an extensive partner ecosystem, Ephesoft is deployed in the cloud and on-premise at customer sites around the world to save costs, improve data accuracy, and drive digital transformation toward hyperautomation. 

As an implementation partner of Ephesoft, we, FELLOWPRO AG, are also available to answer any questions you may have.

Image credits: Header- & featured image by GarryKillian on Freepik


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