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Intelligent document processing with Ephesoft Transact

Document processing in companies is often a tedious and error-prone task. Especially with large volumes of documents, manual processing can quickly become a challenge. Ephesoft Transact, a software for intelligent document processing, offers a solution here. But to realize the full potential of this software, there are two plugins that prove extremely useful: Fellow KV² and TableExtraction².

Fellow KV²

KV² stands for “Key-Value Extraction” and enables the automatic extraction of information from structured documents. The plugin is able to identify keywords in a document and extract information from them. This allows important information such as addresses, invoice numbers or customer numbers to be automatically captured and processed. Countless document formats can be scanned and the system learns by itself how to correctly identify, extract and export data. This saves time and minimizes the risk of errors.


The second plugin, TableExtraction², is specifically designed for processing tables in documents. Tables are usually difficult to capture and process because they are often formatted differently. TableExtraction² automatically recognizes tables and extracts the information they contain in a structured form. The plugin also enables the identification of column headers and rows, which further makes the processing of tables easier. With this cloud-based repository solution, you no longer need to spend time and IT resources adapting and configuring the batch class for each individual table

By using these plugins, processing documents in Ephesoft Transact becomes much easier and faster. There is no need to manually enter information, which saves time and resources. At the same time, the risk of errors is minimized, as the plugins extract the information automatically and reliably.

In addition, the plugins offer the possibility to automate the processing of documents, so that documents that have similar structures can be processed completely automatically. This enables greater efficiency and faster processing of documents.

Excellent addition to Ephesoft Transact

Overall, the Fellow KV² and TableExtraction² from FELLOWPRO AG plugins provide an excellent complement to Ephesoft Transact and help make intelligent document processing even more effective. Our plugins use an AI swarm intelligence. This makes it possible to easily extract about 70% of unstructured data by default, already without training. Companies using Ephesoft Transact should definitely consider these plugins.

If you’d like to learn more about the plugins, or perhaps you’re now thinking “That’s exactly what I need.”, we’d be happy to invite you to an online demo.

Image credits: Header- & Beitragsbild von pikisuperstar auf Freepik


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