Our Partner


We deliver our projects together with our partners!

Partnerships are very important to us and we are proud to work with the best. We can only be successful and deliver great solutions for our customers with a solid, technically skilled and reliable team. Our processes are closely integrated with those of our partners and guarantee a joint, collaborative, efficient and customer-focused approach. This makes our solutions more innovative for our customers, delivers better results and is available faster.


Our partners

Ephesoft, is the leading provider of automation, enterprise content capture and data discovery solutions. It develops technologies that give meaning to unstructured data for decision makers in over 50 countries. With more than 10 years in the market, Ephesoft is listed: With more than 10 years of experience, Ephesoft is ranked among the 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Companies and is one of HousingWire's Tech 100

SugarCRM is a CRM solution provider that has been helping small businesses, mid-sized companies and large multinationals to transform their customers into lifelong customer relationships for more than 16 years. With over 2 million customers in 120 different countries, SugarCRM is ranked
- 5th in the top 20 most popular CRM software
- Among the top 20 best rated CRM software

Infor ist eine der weltweit führenden Business Cloud Software Anbieter mit spezialisierten Angeboten für jede Industrie. Mit 17,000 Angestellten und über 67,000 Kunden in mehr als 170 Ländern ist Infor perfekt für weiteres erfolgreiches Wachstum positioniert. Infor Kunden sind u.a.:
– 14 der Top 20 Industrie Unternehmen
– 13 der Top 20 globalen Handelsunternehmen
– 7 der Top 10 globalen Luxus Brands


Our Technology partners

What our partner says about us

"Our cooperation with FELLOWPRO AG and their experience in the integration of enterprise applications enables us to support Infor customers in the integration of third-party systems"
Andreas Berthold van der Molen
Director Alliance Partners, Infor Deutschland GmbH
Pack ma's digital

Local partners supported by us

We support the IHK initiative Pack Ma’s Digital to prepare the economy in Upper Bavaria for the future in terms of digitalization.