SugarCRM and Mobileforce


Imagine if you could seamlessly integrate your sales, marketing and customer service processes and significantly increase your sales. That’s exactly what you can achieve with the combination of SugarCRM and Mobileforce.

How a CRM system can improve customer satisfaction


In today’s business world, customer satisfaction is the be-all and end-all. Satisfied customers remain loyal and recommend the company to others. But how can a company ensure that its customers are happy? This is where a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) comes into play.

SugarCRM acquires Sales-i


In a strategic move that could change the CRM landscape forever, SugarCRM recently announced the acquisition of Sales-i.

Successful webshop


A successful web store is indispensable for many companies, especially in this day and age. But what exactly makes a webshop, what do you need for it, and how does a webshop differ from an online store?

The power of data


In this blog post, we want to introduce two powerful tools that help businesses analyze their data and develop effective marketing strategies – Google Analytics and Sugar Market.

The importance of effective communication for businesses


Effective communication is at the heart of every successful business. It is the glue that holds the various aspects of an organization together and enables all business processes to run smoothly. It doesn’t matter whether the relationship is internal or external.

Business Process Management (BPM)


Companies today face the challenge of making their processes efficient and avoiding time bottlenecks. This is where Business Process Management (BPM) comes into play.

The power of marketing automation


Marketing automation has become an essential component of successful business strategies. With the abundance of information and variety of channels, it is crucial for companies to optimize their marketing efforts and personalize customer communications.

AI in the CRM


How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing CRM. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made tremendous strides in recent years and has become an important part of many businesses.

Sales automation

sales automation

In this article, we will explain the benefits of sales automation for companies and how a CRM system can help.