The magic of machine learning

Welcome to our exciting journey into the world of machine learning (ML) – a fascinating technology that impacts our daily lives in many ways. Let’s take a look together at what ML actually is, how it is linked to artificial intelligence (AI), where we encounter it in everyday life and what advantages and disadvantages it brings with it.

Artificial intelligence and the labelling obligation

Artificial intelligence

When we look around the web, we increasingly find content generated by artificial intelligence. This can be in the form of texts, animations or even images. What’s more, this AI-generated content often appears as deceptively real as if it had been written/created by a human being.

Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise


Companies in the manufacturing industry need to innovate as they constantly face new challenges, from increasing competitive pressures to ever more complex supply chains. That’s where Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise comes in.



In today’s era of digitalization, automation and efficiency are two key factors for the success of companies. In this context, a new term has emerged: Hyperautomation.

AI in the CRM


How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing CRM. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made tremendous strides in recent years and has become an important part of many businesses.

Skilled workers wanted!

Skilled workers

More and more often, we hear that companies are having trouble filling open positions. Companies have to struggle to find enough skilled workers to keep their businesses running and growing.