Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage + DocBits

An unbeatable combo for the food and beverage industry

At a time when digitization is sweeping all aspects of business, the food and beverage industry is no exception. Companies in this industry face the challenge of remaining competitive while ensuring the highest quality standards. It’s all about orchestrating a harmonious symphony of processes, resources and data. This is where Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage proves to be a comprehensive solution tailored to the specific needs of this industry.

What is Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage?

Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage provides companies in the food and beverage industry with a holistic solution to increase their efficiency and competitiveness. This comprehensive, cloud-based solution has been carefully designed to address the unique challenges of this industry. Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage provides ideal tools to accelerate global supply chains, bring new products to market faster, and optimize production processes to drive efficiencies at all levels.

Benefits of Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage:

DocBits: revolutionizing document processing

DocBits, an innovative offering from FELLOWPRO AG, serves as the missing piece of the puzzle in your pursuit of operational excellence and integrates seamlessly with the Infor system. Our comprehensive solution leverages advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and optical character recognition (OCR) to deliver unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in capturing, processing, and extracting valuable data from disparate documents. Even reading batch numbers and MHD is no problem for DocBits. This enables companies to achieve even more efficient traceability and quality control.

Your path to excellence

As the food and beverage industry evolves, adoption of digital transformation becomes non-negotiable. Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage, combined with DocBits‘ transformative capabilities, provides you with a comprehensive toolkit to seamlessly manage these changes. Infor’s collaboration with FELLOWPRO AG is your ticket to efficiency, innovation, and growth in the dynamic world of food and beverage.


In summary, the food and beverage industry is currently experiencing a paradigm shift and those who adapt will succeed. Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage, enriched by the seamless integration of DocBits by FELLOWPRO AG, is your compass on this transformative journey. Leverage the power of these solutions to revolutionize your operations, meet customer demands with precision, and lead your business into a flavorful future.

Image credits: Header- & featured image by Freepik


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