Communication: telephone vs. e-mail

Nowadays, telephone and e-mail dominate our communication in both our professional and private lives. It’s hard to imagine our everyday office life without both.

But when it comes to the question of which is better, telephone or e-mail, opinions are divided.

Some people like to pick up the phone quickly, while others prefer to simply write a quick email.

Let’s pit the two against each other and see who wins 🙂

Let the telephone vs. e-mail duel begin

Take 1: Promising success

You pick up the phone, call, ask your question and get an answer.

You write an e-mail, send it and have no idea when you will receive a reply.


Point for

Take 2: Time thief

You run the risk of getting through to a frequent talker and a 5-minute conversation can quickly turn into half an hour without a satisfactory result.

You have full control over the topics that are communicated. It is unlikely to digress here.

Point for

Take 3: Effort/effortlessness

You always endeavour to sound friendly, speak clearly and not say the wrong thing. Because what has been said cannot simply be erased.

Before you press send, everything can be revised and changed again until the right words are found.

Point for

Take 4: Time

You have to keep to office hours. It is often only possible with prior arrangement. Or you are put on hold for several minutes.

E-mails can be written and sent at any time of day or night.


Point for

Take 5: Questions & misunderstandings

Questions and misunderstandings can usually be clarified immediately

Several emails are often necessary until certain things are clarified for both sides


Point for

Take 6: Information exchange 1/2

Only information that can be described in words can be exchanged

You can send pictures, documents or links.


Point for

Take 7: Availability

Certain people are constantly in meetings or travelling and the assistant blocks calls.

Emails arrive, provided the email address is correct. It may not be read/answered, but the attempt counts


Point for

Take 8: Passing on information to several people at the same time

Call each person individually (time-consuming) or organise a telephone conference.

Add everyone involved to the distribution list.


Point for

Take 9: Information exchange 2/2

All participants in a telephone conference hear what is being said and can express their opinion immediately.

The people contacted by e-mail reply at different times or not at all and may not read the replies of other participants.


Point for

Take 10: Evidence

The conversation should be recorded or a protocol kept.

Everything is available in written form, provided the emails have not been deleted.


Point for


If we now look at the score, we have a clear winner. E-mail beats telephone by seven points to three. Yes, e-mail has many advantages over the telephone, but the telephone is still a tried and tested means of communication, especially when things need to be done quickly, and last but not least, it has to be said that a telephone call is much more personal.

Image credits: Header- & featured image by Freepik


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