Making money with incoming invoices

– is that really possible?

In today’s business world, everything revolves around efficiency and saving time. Companies that are able to optimise their processes and reduce costs have a clear competitive advantage. In this context, incoming invoices play a central role, as they are a regular and important task in companies. For many companies, however, it is also one of the most time-consuming tasks. But what if we told you that there is a simple and intelligent solution that can not only save you time, but also make you money? The magic word is “DocBits“.

Process invoices more efficiently with DocBits

DocBits is an innovative document processing solution specifically designed to optimise the processing of invoices. Manual processing of incoming invoices can be quite time-consuming and also carries the risk of errors. With DocBits intelligent document processing, you can automate this process. Thanks to automatic capture and classification of invoices, combined with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), you can drastically reduce your processing times. 

By using DocBits, companies can reduce manual data entry and the associated errors. This results in significant time savings and minimises the risk of incorrect postings, which often lead to costly corrections. The time your employees previously spent manually entering invoice data can now be used for more valuable tasks.

Earn money by saving time

Time is money, and DocBits helps you maximise both. Automated invoice processing allows your business to process invoices faster and make payments on time. This not only improves your relationships with suppliers, but also allows you to take advantage of discounts and other early payment rebates. In addition, the improved accuracy and speed of invoice processing can save you money by avoiding unnecessary penalties and interest on late payments. The time saved and the ability to take advantage of discounts are two crucial factors in increasing the profitability of your business.

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) for greater efficiency

DocBits uses the concept of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) to optimise your document processing. This means that our solution not only recognises texts, but also processes semantic information. DocBits learns from your processes and can thus recognise patterns, identify deviations and actively alert you to errors. This intelligent processing ensures greater accuracy and efficiency when processing invoices.

FELLOWPRO AG: Your partner for digital transformation

As part of your company’s digital transformation, FELLOWPRO AG offers an optimal document processing solution with DocBits. We understand the needs of businesses and know how important it is to seamlessly integrate existing systems. With DocBits you can ensure that your existing infrastructure is used efficiently.

We invite you to experience DocBits in action. Contact us today to arrange a demo. Together we can take your document processing to the next level and increase your business success. Time is money, and with DocBits you can save and win both. Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your efficiency and make your business more profitable.

Image credits: Header- & featured image by  frimufilms on Freepik


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